The Effect of Virtual Reality Exergames on General Mood Scale of Summer Sports Camp Participants with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities


  • Julia Ciazynska Poznan University od Physical Education, Department of Physical Activity and Health Promotion Science, Poznań, Poland
  • Aneta Worska
  • Tomasz Bauza
  • Janusz Maciaszek


virtual reality, intellectual disabilities, exergaming, physical activity, mood


Purpose: This research aims to present the effect of virtual reality (VR) exergames on the change of general mood in summer
camp participants with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities (MID), while observing for the presence of variables such as
physical or mental problems with understanding the exergames main task.
Methods: The participants were divided randomly (n= 48) into two groups: experimental (n= 24) and control (n= 24). The
experimental group participated in exergames class lasting 30 minutes of physical activity (PA) using VR glasses, while the
control group participated in PA at the rope park. Both groups completed two measurements of the General Mood Scale
(Positive Mood Scale and Negative Mood Scale) and heart rate before, during and after PA to control the moderate intensity
of exercise. Also, each participant was observed for difficulty of exergames main task: understanding commands, interest in
the type of PA, motor competence, engagement, completion of PA, difficulties with locomotion after completing main task.
Results: The analysis examined two factors: 'group' (experimental vs. control) and 'measurements' (pre-test and posttest).
The study shows a significant interaction effects “group” × ”measurements” for the Positive Mood Scale F(1.46)= 6.69,
P= .013, η²= .13, power= .72) and the Negative Mood Scale F(1. 46)= 6.47, P= .014, η²= .12, power= .70. There were practically
no physical or mental problems related to understanding the main task of the exergames (participants scored 95.5%).
Conclusions: Exergames may lead to an increase in Positive Mood Scale and decrease in Negative Mood Scale for summer
sports camp participants with MID. Exergames can be used as a PA for MID because of the low possibility of problems with
understanding the main task.




How to Cite

Ciazynska, J., Worska, A., Bauza, T., & Maciaszek, J. (2024). The Effect of Virtual Reality Exergames on General Mood Scale of Summer Sports Camp Participants with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities. Acta Kinesiologica, 18(4), 4–11. Retrieved from



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