Impact of the new professional profile of the basic kinesiologist on internal stakeholders


  • Rosario Ceruso University of Salerno


Kinesiologist, epistemology of sports science, role of stakeholders


Background: In Italy, to pursue the profession in sports, individuals have acquired qualifications through National Sports Federations (NSF), or through Sports Promotion Bodies (SPB) or associated disciplines (AD), all of which are sports bodies of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI). The change comes with Article 41 of Legislative Decree (L.D.) no. 36 of February28, 2021, where there is introduced the professional figure of the basic kinesiologist, with training through the Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science (L-22), but the impact of the new norm is unknown Purpose: The aim is to measure the impact this reform has had on internal stakeholders (coaches, instructors, personal trainers, educators). Method: A questionnaire was administered to 60 subjects, comprising former athletes, trainers and technicians in sports. The questions were divided into 3 parts: in the first part identifying the sample, in the second part assessing the sample's knowledge inherent in Article 41 of Legislative Decree no. 36 of February 28, 2021, and finally in the third part assessing the subjects' perception and opinion of the figure of the basic kinesiologist. A descriptive statistic, then a chi-square (χ2) analysis was performed to check for significant differences in perception. Results: The results showed a difference of opinion among stakeholders. The 25.4 % who say they are aware of the sports labor reform believe that the figure of the kinesiologist is very important within the corporate context, in contrast to the stakeholders who are not aware of the sports reform (67.8%) and consider the presence of the kinesiologist within the corporate organizational chart not important (P=.001). Conclusions: There is clearly little knowledge of the reform on the part of internal stakeholders and a general skepticism toward the professional figure of the basic kinesiologist.



04-09-2023 — Updated on 10-01-2024


How to Cite

Ceruso, R. (2024). Impact of the new professional profile of the basic kinesiologist on internal stakeholders. Acta Kinesiologica, 17(1.), 48–54. Retrieved from (Original work published September 4, 2023)



Original Scientific Article